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We Cast Marvel’s INHUMANS’ Royal Family

We Cast Marvel’s INHUMANS’ Royal Family

This week it was reported that former Game of Thrones baddie Iwan Rheon is joining the cast of Marvel Television’s The Inhumans as Maximus the Mad, the series’ main villain and the black sheep of the Inhuman family. This is a perfect bit of casting, and makes us all the more excited to see who Marvel picks for the rest of the Royal Family of the Inhumans, which will be the focus of the series. Some of the names on this list are no-brainers and have been bandied about before, and some are a little less obvious. But to start things off, let’s fan-cast the King of the Inhumans, Blackagar Boltagon himself:

Vin Diesel as Black Bolt

He’s the name that’s been rumored to play this part since an Inhumans project was first announced, back when it was going to be a film, and he’s still the best choice. In the comics, the leader of the Inhumans’ royal family is an imposing, stoic figure who can’t speak a word because his voice can literally render mountains to rubble.

Of course, Inhumans is now a TV series (mostly), so some people might think that a project like this is too small for a big time movie star like Vin Diesel. But here’s the thing: Diesel is only really a movie star in the Fast and the Furious franchise. His name didn’t help the latest XXX movie do wonders at the box office, or the third Riddick film for that matter. Doing an eight-part Inhumans series isn’t going to hurt his movie career, and frankly, would only make his stock go up. If they can somehow make this work, Vin Diesel should still be the #1 choice for this part.

Christina Hendricks as Medusa

This seems like another no-brainer, as actress Christina Hendricks is simply perfect for the part of Black Bolt’s wife, Queen Medusa. In the comics, Medusalith was one of the very first Inhumans we were introduced to in the pages of Fantastic Four, and with her living locks of bright red hair, she made quite the first impression. Hendricks is herself not only known for her own lovely red hair, but for playing a powerful woman in a world run almost exclusively by men–Joan Holloway on Mad Men. It’s almost as if life at Sterling-Cooper was just preparation for ruling Attilan.

Donnie Yen as Karnak

For the part of Karnak Mander-Azu, you need someone who is a proficient martial artist, as that is essentially his special ability–mastery of all martial arts, and ability to find weakness in anything. The perfect actor for the part has got to be Donnie Yen. Even those who were unfamiliar with Yen’s work in Asian cinema came out of Rogue One saying, “That blind guy was kick ass!” An expert in martial arts like taekwondo, kickboxing, Wing Chun, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and more, Yen is basically Karnak in real life. And after Rogue One, he is part of the Disney family already, so he’s already got an in with the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Doug Jones as Triton

The aquatic Inhuman Triton looks a lot like a humanoid cousin of the Creature from the Black Lagoon, as he’s covered from head to toe in green scales and even has a giant fin on his head. You’d need an actor who is accustomed to make-up and prosthetics that cover his entire body, and nobody fits that bill better than Doug Jones. His character of Abe Sapien in the Hellboy films is essentially a differently colored version of Triton anyway. Yes, I know that Jones is tied up with Star Trek: Discovery at the moment, but maybe something can be worked out? After all, there are only eight episodes of Inhumans being prepared.

Michael Dorn as Gorgon

Big, loud, and kind of animal-like, Gorgon has less in common with the ancient monsters from Greek mythology for which he was named than he does with the Klingons from the Star Trek franchise. So why not get the world’s favorite Klingon actor Michael Dorn, who played Lt. Worf on Star Trek: The Next Generation? In fact, this wouldn’t be the first time Dorn has played the Marvel character–on the now almost forgotten 1994 Fantastic Four cartoon series, the actor voiced Gorgon himself. So just slap a bit of makeup on him and bring that partnership to life once more. It was meant to be.

Elle Fanning as Crystal

In the original comics, the elemental-powered Crystal is Medusa’s sister and youngest among the royal family. Her innocent, youthful nature would be ideal for actress Elle Fanning. While Fanning is best known for playing in feature films like the recent The Neon Demon, I think the Marvel brand is strong enough to draw her to do a limited run television series. In the original stories, Crystal is often the character that extends the olive branch to the world of regular humanity, and Fanning has the perfect, trusting aura for a character meant to embody that quality.

So there you have it folks. What do you think of our ideas for an Inhumans TV series? Let us know your thoughts down below in the comments

Images: Marvel Comics / HBO / Universal Studios / CBS / AMC

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