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Marvel’s CIVIL WAR II Gets an Extra Issue and a Delay

Marvel’s CIVIL WAR II Gets an Extra Issue and a Delay

Through the first four issues of Marvel’s Civil War II miniseries, fans have been waiting for the percolating superhero conflict over predictive justice boil over into an all-out war. And now, they’re gonna have to wait at least another month to see that happen.

Civil War II writer Brian Michael Bendis has announced that the fifth issue will now be released on Wednesday, September 24; while Civil War II #6 is set for Wednesday, October 5. Currently, Marvel still has Civil War II #7 scheduled for October 19, but that’s probably not going to be its actual release date. Additionally, Civil War II will now be extended to eight issues, but there’s no set release date of issue 8.

According to Bendis, the reason for the delay is that Civil War II artist David Marquez recently had a son and he wasn’t able to devote his full attention to the comic.

“David [Marquez] has been handing in about a page a day for the last couple of weeks so we’re getting back on track,” wrote Bendis, “So much so that Marvel greenlit an 8th issue for us. I came up with a better ending but needed the pages. Very grateful that they let us do our thing.”

Civil War II 5 Cover

The original Civil War miniseries by Mark Millar and Steve McNiven was also plagued by delays a decade ago, and more recently, the Secret Wars miniseries was also held back after it gained an additional issue to wrap up the story. Pushing Civil War II back will likely mean that any tie-in books that could spoil the events of the main storyline could also be delayed.

Because Marvel solicits its new books several months ahead of time, we already know that Tony Stark will be out of the picture post-Civil War II, with Doctor Doom and a young girl named Riri Williams both laying claim to his legacy as Iron Man. That tends to suggest that Stark will be on the losing side of his battle with Carol Danvers a.k.a. Captain Marvel. But if the preview art from the next Captain Marvel series is any indication, Carol’s popularity with the general public is going to crater pretty quickly.

Captain Marvel 1 cover

How do you think Civil War II will end? Let us know in the comment section below!

Here’s everything you need to know about the original Marvel Civil War.

Image: Marvel Comics

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