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Marvel Reveals 8 Women of Marvel Variant Covers

March is Women’s History Month, and Marvel is celebrating in style. They’ve recruited some top notch female artists to tackle variant covers for 21 different comic book titles that will be released throughout the month of March. You’ll be able to find the Women of Marvel Variant Covers at comic book shops only. While I don’t normally chase variants, I’m tempted by many of the eight covers that Marvel’s revealed. Just look at this Thor:


Thor #6 by Stephanie Hans

Hans’s work is a dream.

Other books that will receive the variant covers include:

All-New Captain America #5 by TBD
All-New Hawkeye #1 by Sho Murase
All-New X-Men #39 by Faith Erin Hicks
Amazing Spider-Man #16 by Ming Doyle
Ant-Man #3 by Katie Cook
Avengers #42 by TBD
Black Widow #16 by Vanesa Del Rey
Captain Marvel #13 by Aufa Richardson
Deadpool #43 by TBD
Guardians of the Galaxy #25 by Erica Henderson
Inhuman #13 by Jill Thompson
Legendary Star-Lord #10 by Sana Takeda
Ms. Marvel #13 by TBD
New Avengers #31 by Sara Pichelli
Rocket Raccoon #9 by Janet Lee
S.H.I.E.L.D. #4 by Colleen Doran
Superior Iron Man #6 by TBD
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #3 by Gurihiru
Uncanny Avengers #3 by Amanda Conner
Uncanny X-Men #33 by Stacey Lee

See seven more of the variants in the gallery:

I’m excited to see so many talented artists get the chance to work on variant covers, and I hope this translates to regular or even semi-regular work on Marvel titles for them. While I’m hoping and dreaming, it would also be nice to see Marvel announce at least one new female led comic book in March. They’ve made positive progress in that area, but there’s always room to grow.

Which of these variants is at the top of your list to track down? Let us know in the comments.

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  1. Agent X says:

    Marvel doing more for their Female characters than DC comics does. DC only has 3 Women they shove down peoples throats on a monthly basis. 

  2. Anna says:

    Loki, please!

  3. ErikMarie says:

    I’m not a huge Spidey fan but I am digging that art.