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Marvel Invites You to Take a Galaxy Getaway in This New GUARDIANS Promo

Sure, the explosive, extended trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy was great, but sometimes you want to enjoy the mellower side of being on the far side of the universe.

Released over the weekend, this “Galaxy Getaways” trailer shows how our Terran vacation destination ain’t nothin’ when compared to some of the far-flung galactic Club Meds out there. The promo offers up some quick snippets of new footage from Guardians of the Galaxy, including a slightly longer look at Knowwhere, the community built inside of the severed head of a floating Celestial. Also: Drax (Dave Bautista) and Rocket Raccoon (Bradley Cooper) get some time at the gambling tables.

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy opens in theaters on August 1, 2014.

So any sights and strange points of interest you wish you could hit up in a hypothetical tour of the galaxy? Let us know in the comments below!



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