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Marvel Hires a Pair of Writers for CAPTAIN MARVEL

Marvel Studios’ most anticipated Phase Three movie (besides Captain America: Civil War, that is), is probably Captain Marvel, which will be the studios’ first movie with a female superhero in the lead. Although rumors have been circulating that Marvel is pursuing Angelina Jolie to direct, the actual first official news to come out of the production of this movie is the hiring of Guardians Of The Galaxy co-writer Nicole Perlman and Meg LeFauve, who recently wrote Pixar’s upcoming Inside Out, as the scripting team for Captain Marvel’s debut movie. Perlman is also set to write the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy sequel, and is the confirmed writer for a Black Widow solo film, which is our first official news that a Black Widow movie is something Marvel is now actively pursuing.

The hiring of Perlman and LeFauve is the first concrete news we’ve had on Captain Marvel since the movie itself was announced last year for a fall 2018 release. Rumors were swirling recently that the character of Captain Marvel would first appear as a cameo in Avengers: Age of Ultron, but those plans were scrapped by Mavel’s Kevin Feige, who thought that the character of Carol Danvers needed to be introduced in her own movie first. Carol Danvers is probably the most successful version of a female analogue for a male superhero ever created; unlike Supergirl, Batgirl, Spider-Woman, etc., she long ago surpassed the male character she spun-off from in popularity and relevance to the Marvel Universe, and even usurped his title, when she went from being Ms. Marvel to taking on the mantle of Captain Marvel.

Despite rumors of everyone from Katee Sackhoff and Emily Blunt playing the part of Carol Danvers, no one has been cast yet. Captain Marvel is currently scheduled for a November 2nd, 2018 release.

HT: Deadline

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