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Martin Freeman, James Franco, Amy Adams are All Set to Host SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE in December

Here’s something of which to be equal parts excited and terrified (we’ll let you decide which is which): both Martin Freeman and James Franco have been tapped as hosts, along with Amy Adams, for the December-based episodes of NBC’s late night comedy icon, Saturday Night Live. It’s about to get chockablock with talent and weirdness up in here — hopefully/probably both.

Though this weekend’s host — Cameron Diaz — will finish out November’s lot with what’s sure to be a totally turkey episode of the series (because as evidenced by the arrival of The Gobble Games — Thanksgiving is next week), the sketch comedy series has decided to try and break the Internet (along with everyone else these days) by starting the month off with James Franco as host. The actor will be joined by Nicki Minaj on December 6th to make the funnies and no doubt plug their personal business (The Interview hits theaters on Christmas and Minaj has a new album out on the 15th called The Pinkprint — oh I see what you’re doing there, Nicki).

After that, we’ll see Martin Freeman and Charli XCX tackle the 13th of the month. Freeman’s comedy chops are impressive, dark, and semi-morbid, so get ready for a bit of Fargo-esque black-as-night hahas that day. Oh and, duh, probably something sorta slash-fic-y about Sherlock and Watson.

Tackling the Christmas episode will be Lois Lane herself — Amy Adams, who’s got her latest Tim Burton collab, Big Eyes, to pimp out — who will no doubt/probably end up playing Mrs. Claus in a bit that turns the origin story of Santa Claus into something Man Of Steel-esque. The musical guest will be One Direction so make sure you bring a set of earplugs with you to your DVR viewing because oh, how loud the tween screams will be on that night.

What do you think of the December SNL line-up? Let us know in the comments!

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  1. Ron Reader says:

    Dent, Arthur Dent….I hope, and pray it soes not sucketh long and hard….