A simulated Mars mission that is. The crew of the Mars500 mission successfully spent 520 days locked in a spaceship at a Moscow parking lot. They were looking to simulate a trip to Mars, and to see if the crew would be able handle the mental stress. This video shows the 520 days in 15 minutes.  Six guys, who shower once per week, eat canned food, mess around on their computers all day, and never leave the house. Looks like we can get to Mars by locking a bunch of guys in a log cabin with World of Warcraft.
via [ars technica] [ESA]
That’s pretty cool, guess it’s a good thing no one seemed to go batshit and kill everyone. First: A Moscow parking lot. Next: MARS!
Showering once a week, computer all day. i have been training to be an astronaut my whole life and didn’t even know it
One of the most extreme sci-fi LARP’s ever.
That must have sucked, knowing you might go crazy