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Mark Hamill Reveals What Kind of STAR WARS Role His “Son” Sebastian Stan Should Play

The resemblance between Mark Hamill and Sebastian Stan is undeniable. The two actors have been leaning into their “son” and “dad” status on social media in recent months, with Hamill calling him #MySonSebastian and Stan recording a special message for his pops while appearing on Good Morning America. So of course, when we talked to Mark Hamill for The Last Jedi, we had to ask him what sort of Star Wars role his son Sebastian Stan should have if he were to ever to join the galaxy far, far away.

Hamill’s proud of his boy and says he’d be capable of handling any role but notes, “He’s got sort of a ladykiller look, so he’s probably a swaggering womanizer who drinks too much and gambles. I think he’s more like Han Solo than Luke.”

We have to agree with him that Stan could step into a number of roles comfortably, but we think he’d excel at playing that Han Solo-esque character—someone who’s all about the talk and schmoozing. Of course, that’s only if there’s no chance of ever seeing a younger Luke Skywalker on screen again, because Stan should be the number one choice for that.

Unrelated: could Hamill be any more charming? The answer is no.

If Sebastian Stan were to land a part in Star Wars, who should he play? Do you agree with Mark? Tell us your thoughts in the comments.

Images: Lucasfilm, Marvel, Disney

Read more about Mark Hamill!

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