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MANIFEST DESTINY # 19 Previews Some Beautifully Freaky Monsters (Exclusive)

A good chunk of the fun in any monster-oriented movie, television show, or comic is the opportunity to shout, “Look at that thing!” The best of the best of creature-themed fiction reaches beyond your standard werewolves and bipedal dragons, offering instead some kind of organic concoction that you’d never been twisted enough to imagine yourself.

Image Comics’ Manifest Destiny carries the torch of Ray Harryhausen, Chris Walas, and Stan Winston in dreaming up some fascinatingly weird monstrosities, and thrusts hapless human explorers right into their grip.

While Manifest Destiny offers a wide array of nightmarish critters, its latest arc will focus on North America’s most formidable monster: Sasquatch. The storyline kicks off in the upcoming issue # 19, for which we’ve got an exclusive preview below. We catch up with Lewis and Clark on the sort of expedition that was so conveniently skipped over back in eight grade U.S. history. During surveillance of the American Northwest, the explorers happen upon tremendous dog-lizards and patches of man-eating grass.

Check out the first four pages of the newest Manifest Destiny comic in our gallery below, and revel in its odd assortment of natural horrors.

Chris Dingess penned the issue, while Matthew Roberts, Tony Akins, and Owen Gieni are responsible for the stellar art you’ll find throughout. Manifest Destiny #19 hits shelves on May 18.

Images: Skybound Entertainment, Image Comics, Matthew Roberts (artist)

Michael Arbeiter is the East Coast Editor of Nerdist. Find him on Twitter @MichaelArbeiter.


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