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Episode 183: Maltin on Movies
Maltin on Movies

Maltin on Movies #183: CinemaSins

With over 7.4 million subscribers and over 2.1 billion views, the CinemaSins (comprised of Barrett Share, Jeremy Scott and Chris Atkinson) have carved out a substantial niche for themselves on YouTube and in the Twitterverse reminding folks that “No Movie is Without Sin.” They’re devoted cinephiles and some of he nicest guys around. Leonard and Jessie got to hang out with them in their hometown of Nashville (and record an episode of their podcast). It’s our very first crossover!

Their podcast is called Sincast presented by CinemaSins, you can listen to the episode we recorded with them HERE

Follow @LeonardMaltin and @jessiemaltin on Twitter! And be sure to check out

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