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Episode 68: Making It
Ben McKenzie

Making It #68: Ben McKenzie

Riki talks to actor Ben McKenzie (Southland, Junebug, The O.C.) about summer theater, early success, and shows that get a second chance.

Making It

Making It : Diora Baird

The Best of SUPERNATURAL’s Geeky Aliases

The Best of SUPERNATURAL’s Geeky Aliases

Tickling the Dragon’s Tail: The Story of the “Demon Core”

Tickling the Dragon’s Tail: The Story of the “Demon Core”



  1. Sean says:

    And now he is the main character in one of my new favorite shows! Always keep climbing!

  2. Debra Lee says:

    Just happened upon the inertview. Really nice to har the down to earth tone of the conversation. Have watched Ben develop as an Actor for many years, he has always been one of my favorites. Best of luck with your career. Seems like you picked the right one.!

  3. pax7 says:

    My first reaction was that I was really looking forward to this and would it really be an hour? Afterwards, I wanted it to keep going. It didn’t feel like an hour. A most excellent conversation. It’s very good for aspiring actors and great listening for everyone with all of the stories. Best of luck to Ben and to Riki and of course to Young Storytellers Foundation. Like the shout-out, Ben. Thanks to the comments above, I know what movies to look for. Thanks to Ben, I’m very interested in The Advocates and his character. I hope that Warner Bros. makes that happen. Please schedule another get together soon, red or white wine.

  4. mlb81 says:

    Ben’s always articulate and engaging and this one’s no different. What’s extra entertaining is that Riki and Ben are friendly and seem to have a similar smart, dry sense of humor and play off one another really well. Really, I’d listen to another chat or regular segments. This is really insightful and they keep it light and fun while touching on valuable topics and reflecting on their own experiences. Whether you’re interested in acting or the biz, it’s fun to listen to and applies to life beyond Hollywood. The audition story struck me and made me curious about that part of the process. I also would have loved to have seen Ben in that role. I’ll be watching for news on The Advocates and hoping to see it. Good for Ben to have the new deal with Warner Bros. It’s just one more way that he’s old school along with his perspective, compass and ethic. Class act. Thanks for such an illuminating and candid personal look. Great talk, info and fun. Wishing Ben and Riki both all the best.

  5. pinnepeds says:

    I almost felt guilty for eavesdropping because this is just so relaxed, casual and has an intimacy to it no matter how public it is. It’s really rare for anything like an interview to be this kind of natural conversation. I learned a lot that I never thought of from hearing Ben’s experiences and how Riki added her own. Less of a strict Q and A format and more collaborative to go with the flow. The wine and hanging out at her place is a very nice touch. I really want to see The Advocates and have it developed. The character and premise Ben described sound really intriguing. I also will be waiting to hear that Warner Bros. is on the move with their plans for Ben and TV ASAP. An exclusive should mean that they’ve got things to get going. I think that Ben’s emphasis on hard work is a very honest and valuable answer. I’m not sure that’s what most of Hollywood wants to focus on, but there’s a difference between aspiring actors and artists and wannabe celebs. I hope that Ben’s hard work pays off and I hope that Young Storytellers gains more supporters too. Great conversation!

  6. egb24 says:

    Excellent conversation! This was really informative, fun and it really flew by. I couldn’t believe the time when it ended. Riki and Ben have a great camaraderie. Take the show on the road, guys? I’ve been watching for Ben’s new films coming soon and am excited about The Swimmer next year. Now that I know more about The Advocates, I’d love to see that as a series. Very interesting to get the background on that from Ben and so many other things. All the best to Ben. Warner Bros. is very lucky to have you.

  7. sheas says:

    Well this was a very happy accident. I didn’t know about the podcast, but saw Ben’s name and couldn’t miss it. You guys have style! I think aspiring actors will find it helpful, but if that’s not the plan, it’s really fun, easygoing, interesting and an entertaining way to get the inside, personal POV. Bonus to learn about Ben and the process. There’s a great rapport and Ben’s funny, smart and really open. I had a good time and just wanted more. For the record, I’m really intrigued about the Advocates and think Ben would hit that one out of the park to use a baseball metaphor like he did. I’m sure he would have hit a home run with the role he talked about in the audition horror story. I would have loved to have seen that. Thanks for this. All the best to Ben in achieving his various goals and success to Young Storytellers!

  8. hifive5 says:

    I thought this might be more of the standard Q&A, but I should have known better with the personalities. There’s lots of info for aspiring actors, but I really like Ben’s stories and just the dynamic here. A weekly or monthly version with Riki and Ben would be fun. Choose topics and have at it. Best to Ben with the irons in the fire and for lots more to come. Looking forward to his latest movies and definitely want something from Warner’s on TV. Also, good shout out for the Young Storytellers program. Priorities!

  9. sm047 says:

    Best of luck to Ben and thanks for a great interview!

  10. aloha says:

    Excellent! I really liked learning about Ben and his background and getting his take on things. I also think that Ben and Riki make a good team. This is fun, friendly, honest and Ben’s super smart, interesting and charming. ITA about being modest too, which is very refreshing. What’s not to love? I’d vote for more of this talk too. Good luck to Ben. I’ll be waiting to hear about everything that might be in the works and hoping it all happens for the best. Well done!

  11. swimz says:

    Very cool! The summary never does something like this justice. That was one super fast hour. Whoosh. Lots of fun to eavesdrop on your not so private chat. Ben and Riki could do their own show. Think about it, Warner Bros. Ben does have that new exclusive agreement and all. Fans and anyone getting into the biz will appreciate this, but even if you don’t know Ben or Riki or are thinking of acting, it’s great. Good perspective, background stories, tips and more. 2 thumbs up. I hope there are no more audition nightmares, the pilot on the air soon, and all sorts of great characters and projects very soon and for many years. How about a 2nd part to this ASAP?

  12. runround says:

    Great. This was like a friendly conversation and not an interview. Props for that. Very low-key, candid, casual, fun. I can’t believe this was an hour. It felt like about 10 minutes and I was sorry when it ended. I’ll be hoping to hear more about The Adovcates. It sounds like a character pretty tailor made for Ben. I’d say that Warner Bros. must have a game plan for Ben, so I really hope that’s a big win. I guess this was done before the comedy movie filming now, but no mention of The Swimmer, not that Ben could have said much. The audition story was an eye opener. Excellent to hear about Young Storytellers again. Thanks, Riki and Ben. You guys should chat like this more often. We’d tune in!

  13. TJ says:

    This was great. You made me feel like I was sitting right there with you, except I wasn’t saying anything, of course! Terrific conversation. Loved getting to hear more about what’s involved from a personal perspective and all of the background for the process. You both have a great outlook. Can’t wait to see what’s next for Ben. Really looking forward to Goodbye World and The Swimmer, which weren’t mentioned. I don’t know much about the movie Ben’s currently filming, but that’s on the list. After hearing more about the CBS pilot, I really want that to get rolling. It sounds like a role, premise and character that Ben could do wonders with. It was a pleasure to almost be there, so thanks and all the best.

  14. Ken says:

    I love SouthLAnd, from episode 1. It was sad to see it go, especially after being dropped and picked up and all the shenanigans that a show of that caliber shouldn’t have to go through. It’s fun because Riki can say she interviewed a Batman (Batman Year One). Here’s hoping that with Warner Bros expanding the movie and TV DC Universe in a fantastic fan pleasing rivalry with Marvel, with many fantastic characters to play that Ben finds a great role.

  15. Liam says:

    Really enjoyed this! Great listening, Ben and Riki. I easily could have gone for another couple hours. Seriously! Very insightful and engaging. No whining, but good wining, cork or not. : ) Definitely hoping that something comes of The Advocates, which sounds amazing, and great things with the “studio contract days flashback” exclusive with Warner Bros. All the best to you, Ben! Keep up the work with YSF too!

  16. Scott B. says:

    OMG!! You’re BACK!!! I thought this podcast was lost and gone forever! I hope you stick around for a while! Nice alk with Ben McKenzie, I like how he tries to stay humble while looking like Robert Redford Jr., LOL!! Good luck with the pilot!!