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Episode 56: Making It
Fran Kranz

Making It #56: Fran Kranz

Riki talks with actor Fran Kranz (Cabin in the Woods, Dollhouse, Death of a Salesman) about auspicious beginnings, being on Broadway and dealing with disappointment.

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  1. Erin says:

    Ladies, I’ll go ahead and address the elephant in the room. I adored Kranz’s character, Topher, but I got really excited when he stepped out of the pool as Claudio in Much Ado. I look forward to watching Cabin in the Woods (and I don’t even like scary movies)!

  2. Lisa says:

    What a great interview and actually some great advices. Fran will come far as an actor, he’s really talented.
    Thank you for it.

  3. Alyssa says:

    What an excellent interview. Fran is such an underrated talent. I’ve only recently discovered him, but he’s already one of my absolute favorite actors. He has the promise of a very successful future! I can’t wait to see him in Much Ado!

  4. Sophie says:

    LOVE Fran! He’s super sexy 🙂

  5. Alec says:

    People tend to mention Eric Stoltz in Back to the Future, but my favourite fired-actor footage is from the Star Trek: Voyager pilot.

  6. Axel-san says:

    TOPHER! Who knew that Franz would have been the hero of The Cabin in the Woods.

  7. Jake says:

    Franz frickin Kranz! Franny Crayons! Mr. Crayola himself. Love this guy, he is such a good actor. You should have more Joss Whedon alum on here if possible, no pressure.

  8. Vincent S says:

    omg, saw this man’s picture, had to write something fast.

    Goddamit! Cabin in the Woods was AMAZING!!!! too bad I just watched it a month ago in a movie theatre because of how weird Australian release dates are. Anyways, this guy is amazing (Dollhouse and Cabin in the Woods).

    Forgot that this guy is an actor… I might need to adjust my expectations from the man before I listen to the podcast.

  9. Man, I LOVE Fran! I just saw him in this series Journey Quest ( where he plays a bard. He’s really funny! His comic timing is incredible, not to mention the whole “Risky Business”-esque introduction to his character. I can’t wait to see how the rest of the season unfolds!!

  10. Shannon says:

    Love Fran! Was great to learn more about him and his career. Wonderful episode, Riki!