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Episode 46: Making It
Robert Ben Garant

Making It #46: Robert Ben Garant

Riki talks with writer/actor/director Robert Ben Garant (Reno 911, The State, Night at the Museum) about the formation of The State, becoming a professional writer and finding new ways to get ideas.

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  1. Hailee Jo says:

    This was SO inspirational, especially at the beginning when he’s talking about high school. I really can relate to that. Thanks for being amazing, Ben!

  2. Paul says:

    Re: $2million. I think Riki said said “most people don’t make that in the end”. As in their their entire careers.

  3. Just catching up on backlogged episodes and HOLY MOSES! Such a SERIOUSLY GREAT episode about the work involved in becoming a paid writer — I really, really enjoyed this.

    So glad this is a thing and people are sharing their stories! It’s such an inspiring reality check. Love it!

  4. Robert Ben Garant says:

    Thanks! Nice to have the mysteries of the universe settled by an anonymous stranger on a comment board, and before lunch too!

  5. Robert Ben Garant says:

    Nice to have the mysteries of the universe settled by an anonymous stranger on a comment board.

  6. Robert Ben Garant says:

    There are more things in this world, Horatio…. The only thing we can know for sure is that we don’t really know anything.

  7. stan says:

    At one point in the interview Ben brings up getting 2 million to make Hell Baby and states how by hollywood standards it isnt all that much…this is then followed up by Riki informing us “Most people don’t make that (2 million) in a year.”…No kidding, really, Riki??? I had to rewind it a few times, each time hoping i had heard luck. Are you that detached from economic reality or was it simply jibber jabber/thinking without speaking on your part?

  8. GuanoLad says:

    It’s a nice philosophy to believe in, but doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. Yes, everything has a motivational origin. Nothing has a predetermined destiny.

  9. robert ben garant says:

    GuanoLad —

    The Tao Teh Ching makes some interesting observations — Everything must happen for a reason, otherwise how could it possibly happen?

    Name yourself “Sh*t Lad” — and this will become so.

  10. GuanoLad says:

    Great interview, he’s a fascinating and funny person. But I winced every time he said “everything happens for a reason” because that is utter balderdash.

  11. Dobbs says:

    This was a pretty decent interview, although I was a little disappointed that Riki didn’t go for the jugular and get Robert Ben Garant to finally admit that his entire career up until this point has been one long, carefully orchestrated ruse designed to get him to the point where he is in a position to write a movie (Hell Baby) wherein Riki Lindhome disrobes. It’s diabolical. Well played, sir. Well played.

  12. Mandy W. says:

    So glad you finally got Ben on, his is such a great storyteller! He tells the full story of his haunted grandparents house on Risk! too. Awesome interview Riki!