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Episode 36: Making It
Adam Pally

Making It #36: Adam Pally

Riki talks with actor/comedian Adam Pally (Happy Endings) about the art of improv, being on a hit TV show, and Shaquille O’Neal.

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  1. GabHari says:

    This is a great wpisode, but makes me sad that Happy Endings only got 3 seasons. The writing was amazing, and the performances were superb!! I never liked Friends, but that show was my version of it.

  2. I like this podcast. I listen to them all.

    I think my favorite episodes are the ones where the guest tells a story about struggling for years, building up contacts and a body of work, then finds one funny, quirkly little path into the industry, like sneaking a birthday present of rare cigars into the executive’s office on his birthday, which sets off an avalanche of success and opportunities.

    But, I get it that not everyone’s literal hollywood story is a “hollywood story”, and that’s OK too.

  3. StarLab says:

    I don’t think Mick Digital’s comments were trolling. I completely disagree with him, but it didn’t sound like anything more than one person’s opinion.

    I love this podcast! Really great premise that’s realized very well. Sometimes I’d like a little more grilling into the specifics (for instance Felicia Day said she got her commercial agent through a friend, but she didn’t really go into how that actually works), but overall there’s so much information provided. Plus, Riki seems really cool, and she has a lot of great guests. I’m a big fan of the podcast, and I’m inclined to believe I’m in the majority.

  4. Mike says:

    Huh, didn’t realize he was a fellow Livingston alum. I suppose I should get off my butt and do stuff too.

  5. Will says:

    Oh, the Internet.

    You keep doing yo thang, Ms. Riki Lindhome.

  6. Mick Digital says:

    Yay! Name calling!

    My intentions here were not to stir the pot or “troll”. I wanted to make a comment on a website that I frequent and to let my opinion of the show that I’ve been giving a chance for a few months now be known.

    Maybe I could have phrased it better, but the guest DO seem douchey and unlikeable. Maybe the show brings it out of them. I liked some of the guests and the host away from and before this podcast, but all in all I’ve never left this podcast liking anyone more than I did before listening. And yes, I DO feel like there is some pandering. That’s my perception after listening to at least two dozen of the three dozen episodes.

    I even made a point to let it be known that I’m STILL a fan of Riki. She’s an awesome person and on her way to being an A-list performer. I’m still going to go to shows, watch her on TV and movies, and wish her well. But yeah… you don’t agree with my opinions on the podcast, the guests, and the pandering… so I’m “demonstrably an asshole” as it’s put.

    Notification is now off so I’ll not know if you respond. I’ll just assume you did and got in a really good zinger on me. Ouch! It burns! Congrats!

  7. Lu says:

    This podcast is my favorite. I get so happy when I see the pink box on the Nerdist homepage.
    I’m saving this ep for tomorrow.

  8. apocowarg says:

    There’s nothing constructive about your criticism. You insulted every single guest and made a completely offbase accusation towards the host. I was going to argue with you about the “pandering for work” line but I think arguing with you would be pointless. You are demonstrably an asshole.

  9. Mick Digital says:

    It’s a comment section. A section for comments. I made a comment in the section specifically for such a thing. I type fast and wanted to share a constructive opinion. Nothing deserving of a snarky comment response.

    Sorry you didn’t like/agree with the comment in the comment section.

    Yikes! Now I have to hit the “Post Comment” button! Comments!

  10. CraigS says:

    It’s really good that everyone knows that now, i can sleep easy now that I’ve seen what you think of this.

  11. Mick Digital says:

    I’m done with this podcast. I’ve listened to most episodes with an optimistic opened mind, but it’s not getting any better. The guests are unlikeable(or douchey (or both)) and it feels like Riki is pandering for work more than “sharing the experience”. I’ve noticed it before, but seconds after Pally tells her she’s going to be brought back to Happy Endings she excitedly says “I think the show is getting better!” C’mon! I’m still a fan and wish Riki the best, but this podcast makes me a sad panda.