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Episode 22: Making It
TJ Miller

Making It #22: TJ Miller

Riki talks with comedian/actor T.J. Miller (Yogi Bear, She’s Out of my League, Cloverfield) about his standup career, having the right mindset and the fundamentals of hard work.

Follow @nottjmiller on Twitter

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  1. odin42 says:

    Cool, i didnt know he was from denver. I also went to east high school, but slightly before him. Another great ep.

  2. J. says:

    This was SUCH a helpful episode for any creative person, really, and what you guys talk about at the very end – yes, even if we are not and have no intention of being “in the biz”, when you pull back the curtain of how you all do what you do, the consumers of your work can really understand it, and respect it even more. I feel that building that respect and understanding of the WORK of someone in any of the arts is vital to getting people to keep you employed (Yes, it IS worth X#$ for that album, ticket, etc.) ! I hope you do a follow up episode for sure!

  3. Wilbur says:

    riki totally likes tj her voice was higher and girlier than it usually is she has a total crush hee hee

  4. Aeshir says:

    FUCK. YES. All the other Nerdist podcasts with TJ have been awesome, can’t wait to listen to this.