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Make Your Own STRANGER THINGS Title Screens

Make Your Own STRANGER THINGS Title Screens

There is so much to love about Netlflix’s latest hit Stranger Things, whether it’s the soundtrack, the science (fiction), or the cast’s musical endeavors. Aside from the show’s tense throwback horror style, the opening title sequence has also become an instant classic, so much so that it has spawned a new website that allows you to make your own stylized title screen in just seconds. Of course, we gave it a go, and we’re pretty sure we got the hang of it:

Of course, we’re not the only ones who totally nailed it:


The title text has become so beloved because it evokes so well the genre and time period it represents, with its old-school typeface and neon-like glow. Vox put together a video that gives more detail about how the title sequence came to be, and it’s fascinating. It was created by Imaginary Forces, whose work you’ve seen in the title sequences of Mad Men, Boardwalk Empire, Jessica Jones, and others. The title card was inspired by horror books and movies of the ’80s, and the font they went with was ITC Benguiat, which you’ve seen on the covers of the Choose Your Own Adventure books and Paramount’s FBI piracy warning screen that shows up before your movie starts.

Watch that video below, and don’t forget to make your own Stranger Things title screen (and tweet your best ones to @nerdist).

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