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Make Your Own STAR WARS VII BB8 Droid!

Star Wars Episode VII doesn’t hit theaters until December 18th, 2015, but the internet is already on its way to create as many things we see in the trailers as possible. Thanks to James Bruton, maker of incredibly lifelike movie props and 3D printed droids, the cutest (in my opinion) droid from the new trailers could feasibly be a reality if you have the funds and the materials to create one. Can you imagine it? Your very own BB-8!

Bruton’s YouTube channel and website are absolutely filled with incredible recreations of movie props from the Star Wars movie franchise, Alien and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Seriously his Iron Man is crazy impressive. His how-to videos are the quick watch the majority of YouTube supports but real tutorials showing you exactly how he creates these incredible robots. It’s a combination of practical application of robotics and engineering with a little 3-D printing when something doesn’t already exist.

The creation of the rolling BB-8 droid is a four video series each about 20 minutes so you’re going to want to set aside a little time to watch them all. The first is up above, and the rest are here.

Part Two: Ball Balancing Robot

Part Three: Radio Control Experiments

Part Four: Painting & Finishing

While I don’t know anyone with access to their very own 3-D printer or all the equipment that Bruton has on hand, I don’t think I’ll be making my very own BB-8 anytime soon, but a girl can dream, right? In all honesty, this guy’s robotics skills and attention to detail are incredible. His creations look like something straight out of the movies so you should definitely have a little YouTube marathon and see all the cool things he creates as soon as possible.

Would you build your own BB-8 if you had all the stuff? Tell me in the comments below!

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