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Make Cool Stuff: The Green Lantern Edition

Green Lantern fans, this one’s for you! We’ve got instructions for your very own power battery, five versions of the ring, and logo graphs for your needlecraft needs.

The Power Battery
Instructables user Uniqueutopia has a kid who is really into the Green Lantern, so he mocked up this awesome Power Battery for Christmas. Click the link for full instructions; no soldering or electrical knowledge required.

The Ring
Two different Instructables users offer up plans for the Green Lantern ring. Professional jeweler Honus’s plans offer instructions for casting in silver, green resin, or a translucent resin with an embedded LED. I know if I’m going to the trouble, I’d want my ring to glow.–including-a-glow/

Instructables user aintMichael gives us a wooden version, if carving’s more your thing:—Made-of-Wood!!/

Over at Craftser, Shala (user SKerri13) offers up charts for a bead-stitched ring:

Knitters and other needle crafters need not be left out. Shala, over on her website Don’t Eat the Paste, has also put together some knitting charts for the Green Lantern logo. I could see these being used for embroidery or cross-stitching as well.

Good luck! If you know of any other Green Lantern craft tutorials, post the links below!


You can follow Mindy on Twitter: @HolaMindy
Mindy prefers her beat-up Superman ring, although admittedly she did not make it herself.

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  1. Lysias says:

    That dad has struck again!! See his instructable – How to Make a Green Lantern Power Battery (2011)

  2. I think my ears are burning…

    Chris and Mindy, thanks so much for your kind words!

  3. Three toes of Fury says:

    “In brightest day, in blackest night
    No diy project shall escape my sight.
    Paper mache and rubber cement hold tight.
    Beware my power, Green Lantern’s light!”

    Hal 3ToF Jordan

  4. James says:

    I am definitely going to be making one of these in the near future. I hope you don’t mind, but I linked back to it.

  5. I love the Geek Dad and Geek Mom stuff! I follow the Geek Mom even though I don’t have kids.

    Good luck with the summer crafts! There are so many good projects out there, I’m sure you’ll find something that will resonate. My favorite place to start is Other good sources are and’s Geek Craft archive. If you’ve got something specific in mind, though, the best is a Google search of “tutorial” with the name of what you want to make.

  6. Chris says:

    I’ve been looking for some crafts to do with my girls this summer, to slowly draw them into the nerd/geek way of life, and this is perfect!

    Any other geekily inclined parents should check out The Geek Dad’s Guide to Weekend Fun. No, I’m not an editor, just a fan of the book.