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Magical News: New Additions to Universal Orlando’s Wizarding World

Great Dumbledore’s Ghost! Either we’re all under the Imperious Curse and Universal is punking us hard, or we really are getting our very own Diagon Alley at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Orlando, and soon!


Mashable and Entertainment Weekly posted details of the new theme park extension. It features the brand new Hogwarts Express that travels in between Hogsmead and the brand new Diagon Alley!

Until then, you can daydream about perusing through Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes. You can wonder if these robes really do make you look fat in Madam Malkin’s Robes For All Occasions. You can fill your hearts desires and finally own that Firebolt broom you’ve had your eye on since you were 13, then pick yourself up a Quick Quotes Quill at Scribbulus and become the next Rita Skeeter! Whichever path you choose, you’ll be able to go back to your hotel at the end of the day and brag to all your friends that YOU got to ride the brand new Escape From Gringotts ride while they stayed home and fed their ferrets.

Just be careful you don’t make a wrong turn to Knocturn Alley that could end either fatally or inside John Malkovich! Wait… That’s not right.

I’ve only scratched the surface, but feast your eyes on these concept photos below!









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  1. Kazi says:

    Can’t wait!!!!!!

  2. Lucy says:

    Sooo, are they going to include Diagon Alley in the California Wizarding World of Harry Potter from the start? Or are they going to expand at a later date?

    PS~ I’ve been to the Florida park and it’s about as great as any fan could expect.

  3. Jessica says:

    I’ve already been to Ollivander’s….I thought I was in Diagon Alley at the time, but for some reason Ollivander’s had moved to Hogsmeade.

  4. Billie Hall says:

    it is oprah you were right

  5. witchy2106 says:

    that’s definitely oprah in wiseacre’s wizarding equipment

  6. Jamie says:

    This is going to be amazing. I can’t wait!

  7. Kim says:

    My husband and I took our daughter two years ago. It was one of the most frivolously fun things we’ve done together as a family. Now we have to wait until our son is older to go back. (he’s one) I can’t wait! I just hope they don’t get carried away and make the whole thing Harry Potter. There are other great properties at the parks that need more attention. (Simpsons!)

  8. Brittany says:

    omg NIGHTBUS! I wonder if you can rent a bed on it for naps in between waiting in huge lines for the rides?

  9. Alisa says:

    I am so excited, I love harry potter. I had a annual pass and I will be getting one again 🙂

  10. claudia says:

    this looks amazing, after reading all the books and seeing the movies, i cant wait to see this. ive never been to any of the parks but this will be on the top o my bucket list. im excited