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MAD MAX: FURY ROAD Chase Remade with Go-Karts and Paintball Guns

Few things warm my heart more than seeing people band together to be creative about their love of another creative thing. The outpouring of excitement and sheer craftsmanship that have sprung out of George Miller’s Mad Max: Fury Road since its release back in May has been so refreshing, signifying that even if it didn’t beat Pitch Perfect 2 on its opening weekend, it’s permeated the nerd-o-sphere in a way nothing else has in a long time.

Enter now, perhaps the pinnacle of these endeavors: a short film recreating one of the chase scenes (the whole movie’s a chase scene, really) from Fury Road with go-karts and paintball guns. Now, it’s not shot-for-shot, of course, but that doesn’t really matter when you have this level of exuberance and talent. Pickup trucks stand in for the big rigs and various types of karts and dune buggies represent, well, the dune buggies, and each little bit works, both as homage and as its own thing.

The film was shot (in 4K no less!) by Devin Graham with funding from WB Games as to promote their new Mad Max video game. They could be promoting the Mad Max cookie sheet for all I care; this is one of the coolest short films I’ve gotten to see in a long, long time. Naturally, it plays a bit with the humor of Max driving the world’s tiniest car, but it’s definitely not a spoof. Everything is played completely straight, and the mini-fight scene that takes place on the pickup’s trailer is definitely not pulling any punches or aiming for laughs.

How awesome do you find this? Let us witness your praise in the comments below!

HT: io9

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