We’re closing in on 12 hours since HBO’s True Detective sailed head-first into Carcosa, and naturally, people are dying to discuss it at length. Sometimes, even, ad nauseum. Whether your feeling towards the finale was one of positive or negative opinion, there’s no denying its hold on the cultural landscape. So much so that people are getting mighty creative in their expression of adoration, obsession, or hatred. SoundCloud user Mike2600 has focused his sights on the Nic Pizzolatto series’ theme song — “Far From Any Road” by The Handsome Family — and transformed it into 8-bit[s] of fun.
Far from an uplifting or rollicking good time in its original form, The Handsome Family song is downright transformed in this new iteration, conjuring visions of a classic Nintendo version of Rust and Marty. Running across an animated field and right into the deserted civil war armory that The Yellow King called home? Admit it, you see it (and you’re maybe even excited about it). Dashing around red herring murders, busting up stick sculptures, saving children from antler headdresses for extra life points: it’s all so clear now, isn’t it? Broken down to its most basic aural points, the True Detective theme song in 8-bit form turns it into something familiar — as if you’ve heard it all before. Makes sense, after all: time is a flat circle, right?
What do you think of the tune’s makeover? Let us know in the comments.
H/T: The Huffington Post
That is goddamn incredible.
^&%$#&#%$@!!! Love.