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Lil Jon, Lena Dunham, and Fred Armisen Want You to “Turn Out For What” And Vote

A definitely real and not made up conversation I just had with Lil Jon about voting:

“Hey Lil Jon, nice grills! Are you going to turn out for the midterm elections this year?”


“Uh, Are you going to turn out out for the vote this year?”


“Alright, well I guess I’ll be seeing you at the polls this November when it’s time to vote!”


With some very seriously inspired marketing, Rock The Vote has made the midterm elections one of the most ridiculously danceable events of the year. Mildly altering the ubiquitous top 40 EDM banger that is Lil Jon’s “Turn Down For What,” Rock The Vote has officially unveiled the #TurnOutForWhat campaign, asking notable figures like Lil Jon, Lena Dunham, Fred Armisen, Natasha Lyonne, and Devandra Banhart what they are turning out to the polls to vote for. Natasha Lyonne, fittingly, is turning out for prison reform, while Lil Jon, also fittingly, is turning out for the legalization of marijuana (priorities!).

Whether you care about deforestation like Devendra Banhart or women’s reproductive rights like Lena Dunham, or all of the above, make sure you turn out this November to vote for the issues that matter to you. If only voting for “Weird Al” to play the Super Bowl this year was a hot button issue this year…

What will you be turning out to the polls for this year? Sound off in the comments!

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  1. Fritz says:

    If you need to be informed by Lena Dunham to vote, please don’t.