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Episode 4: Lies
Michael Ian Black Started Beef with Michelle Obama

Lies #4: Michael Ian Black Started Beef with Michelle Obama

The actor, comedian, co-host of the Nerdist Podcast network’s Mike and Tom Eat Snacks, and co-author of America, You Sexy Bitch is at the forefront of Twitter wars. Starting with a Levar Burton feud, his online battles culminated with the time he sort of called the First Lady a cow. In this week’s episode, Michael Ian Black gives his side of the story, and reveals the trick to keeping a secret family in Tampa.

Follow @SaraSchaefer1 on Twitter and see her do stand up!

See Lies live on Thursday, November 6, 2014 as part of the New York Comedy Festival — the show at the Jerome L. Greene Performance Space at WNYC will begin at 9 pm. Tickets are $25, which includes a complimentary beer. For tickets and more information, please visit

Photo Credit: Tyler Ross

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  1. Kate Polacci says:

    I am so happy to see that Sara has another podcast. Finally! I really love this NPR-esque Fresh Air style, but packed with complete and utter B.S. So frigging funny. And who better to interview than the master of this style of B.S., but Michael Ian Black?! I love this so much. Keep up the great work.

  2. truestorybrother says:

    Madducks…I died.

  3. Ben Daniels says:

    What’s the theme music? I love it.