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Episode 1: Lies
Jim Gaffigan Got Cut Like an Abercrombie Model

Lies #1: Jim Gaffigan Got Cut Like an Abercrombie Model

Welcome to the newest addition to the Nerdist Podcast Network, in association with WNYC/New York, Lies with Sara Schaefer. The show is completely improvised and fake: guests are required to lie about everything. It’s 100% honesty-free, and hilarious. Revealing nothing turns out to reveal more than you’d expect. And you’ll be hearing some great guests lying up a storm in coming weeks.

First up: The comedian and author of Dad Is Fat was only fat for a little while. On this week’s episode, Jim Gaffigan deconstructs the beauty myth; talks gymnastics; takes a call from a fan of his yoga videos; and reveals the difference between “this and that” and “that and this.”

Follow @JimGaffigan on Twitter!

Follow @SaraSchaefer1 on Twitter and see her do stand up!

See Lies live on Thursday, November 6, 2014 as part of the New York Comedy Festival — the show at the Jerome L. Greene Performance Space at WNYC will begin at 9 pm. Tickets are $25, which includes a complimentary beer. For tickets and more information, please visit

Photo Credit: Tyler Ross

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  1. Smiles says:

    I love silly things. This is perfect.

  2. Love it! Very ‘Boat Show-esque’. Do want more!!

  3. Jim was not funny on this podcast.. he is trying to hard.

  4. Harvey Creasey says:

    LOVE it, Sara! So hilarious. Keep up the excellent work!

  5. That was hilarious…only wish it was longer! Looking forward to more episodes. 

  6. Mike says:

    Hope there will be many more of these!