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If you were a wrestling fan in the ’80s, then the Ultimate Warrior was probably at the top of your favorites list. Before the superhero TV boom of today, the Warrior was the closest thing we had to a superhero come to life, and I remember many a Halloween costume with ripped up jeans, arm tassels, and makeup that would only last an hour before running down kids’ faces. Thanks to the WWE’s YouTube channel, we can do better today, as we now know exactly how to channel the Warrior with 100% accuracy.


Teaming up with Jackie from the WWE makeup team, RAW Superstar Bayley is transformed into the greatest wrestler to ever come out of Parts Unknown. This step-by-step tutorial shows us how the WWE is able to create the Ultimate Warrior’s signature look. Watch to learn what supplies to get, how to apply them, and anyone who is thinking about going as the Warrior for Nerdoween this year is definitely in luck. I am hoping there will be a follow-up tutorial about how to put on the arm tassels without losing all circulation in the extremities.

The Ultimate Warrior was my first favorite wrestler. Now that I know how to put his makeup on the right way, my costume ideas just got a bit more interesting.

This wasn’t the only makeup mashup the WWE has done. Here is New Day member Xavier Woods being turned into the infamous, worm-eating Boogeyman.

So what do you think? Are you prepared to transform yourself into the Ultimate Warrior? What other makeup tutorials would you like to see from WWE? Let me know on Twitter or face the ultimate challenge in the comments below.

Images: WWE

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