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Let KOTOBUKIYA Help You Display Your Love of the SPIDER-VERSE

It’s been one heck of a week if you are a Spider-Fan. From the E3 announcement of Insomniac’s new video game to the casting of Donald Glover, Martin Starr, and Logan Marshall-Green in Spider-Man: Homecoming, it is definitely a great time to be in love with the wall-crawler.

Kotobukiya is here to help with your celebration. Reported by, they will be releasing a line of their popular ArtFX statues based on the Spider-Verse. The line will include Peter Parker, Miles Morales, Gwen Stacy, Spider-Man 2099, Agent Venom, Carnage, and Classic Venom.

First up in the line will be Peter Parker in a classic Amazing Spider-Man costume and pose.


Over the last few years, Spidey has gone through some  costume modifications, from his Superior Spider-Man phase (Yes, that was Doc Ock, but still) to his current “spider has a green glow” costume in the current run of the comic book. The new video game even has an even more drastic change, giving Spidey what I call the “Captain America variant costume.” For those that love your Spider-Man with that original look, this statue is definitely for you.


Small warning: If you get the idea in your head to attempt to copy this “Spider-Pose,” I recommend a RIGOROUS stretching routine.

You can check out more pictures in the gallery below, and can also pre-order the Amazing Spider-Man on Kotobukiya’s website here.

So what do you think? Are you going to pre-order this awesome Spidey statue? What other members of the Spider-Verse (*cough* Peter Porker *cough*) would you like to see in later releases? Let me know on Twitter or sound off in the comments below.

But, like, who could Donald Glover be playing?!

Images: Kotobukiya


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