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Lenny Kravitz and James Franco Win the Crowd in New GUITAR HERO Live Trailer

With Rock Band 4 finally out in the wild today, and Guitar Hero Live set to launch on Tuesday, October 20, Activision took the opportunity to release a brand new TV spot for their upcoming rhythm game. The trailer, which you can check out above, features none other than rock star Lenny Kravitz and funny man James Franco.

The live action trailer uses the two super stars to show off one of the new features of the game. If you aren’t already in the know, when Guitar Hero Live was originally announced, the developer revealed that it would feature a first person perspective in which the player, guitar in hand, played for an on-screen crowd. What’s more is that the folks in the crowd will either react positively or negatively depending on how well you were doing.

In the new trailer, Kravitz rocks out to a rather unimpressed crowd. As soon as they start booing, Franco takes over but still doesn’t have enough style to win them over. But, as soon as the comedian enters the musician’s school of rock, they have the crowd eating out of the palm of their hands.

I think one of the coolest aspects of the game is the amount of accomplishment you feel after nailing a song. You could probably say the same about games in general, but there’s certainly something about feeling like a rock star, especially for those who wouldn’t know what to do with a real guitar if they found one.

Are you looking forward to Guitar Hero Live? Let us know in the comments below.

HT: Activision

Image Credit: Activision

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