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Lauren Graham and Ellen Degeneres to Poke Fun at Late Night Sexism in New NBC Show

NBC may not have hired a woman to host The Tonight Show or Late Night but that doesn’t mean they aren’t aware of the controversy surrounding that. In fact, they’ve decided to lean into it full steam ahead, developing a half hour comedy on the matter called Kate On Later. And it’s set to star Lauren Graham and be executive produced by Ellen Degeneres, who knows a thing or two about comedy and television talk shows. Because it is infinitely better to laugh at things that make you crazy than, say, the alternative (which is to fuel the ragefire swirling next to your desk).

Kate On Later is slated to be a single-camera comedy focusing on a woman who is scooped up from whatever-it-is her regular day job was and thrust into the spotlight that is late-night network talk show television. The script has been co-written by Graham and Liz Tuccillo.

Late-night talk shows have long been a boys’ club. As we learned in a chat with Joan Rivers last year, most studio executives hold strong to their allegedly data-backed belief from many years ago that people — men and women — only want to see men on television late at night. By simply giving the series a shot at development the network is at least saying, “Hey, listen, we get it — there’s a hypocrisy here,” which is much better than saying something like “Oh, if there was a good enough woman she’d be in late-night TV!”

In a perfect world this series would highlight that double standard with that Lauren Graham’s wit and charm to create something truly special. Fingers crossed?

Do you think it’s time for a show like this? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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  1. Sherri says:

    Lauren is Awesome

  2. Sherri says:

    That ‘study’ is BS. Both my boyfriend and I miss Chelsley & Whitney. 

  3. N Carlson says:

    Great!  Love Lauren Graham!

  4. Lini says:

    Yes! I love the premise for this! And besides, I’dd pretty much watch anything starring Lauren Graham. Love her.

  5. Katie Piatt says:

    This is super exciting! Not only am I a huge Ellen/Lauren Graham fan (badasses to say the least), but I’ve been dreaming about being the next Johnny Carson since I was a little kid. I’ve only been honest about it with myself recently and have begun performing in Portland, Or where I live the last year or so. 
    I’ll come be a grip or a wig comber – if you need help! DO IT. Xoxoxo 

  6. SocialClymer says:

    Might be time to pick up Maggie in the Walking Dead death pool.  This makes me concerned about her longevity.