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Is This Rumored LAST JEDI Chase Scene Too Weird for STAR WARS?
Nerdist News

Is This Rumored LAST JEDI Chase Scene Too Weird for STAR WARS?

Although the 40th anniversary of Star Wars doesn’t technically happen until the 25th of this month, May 4th has been adopted by fans and Lucasfilm alike as the unofficial annual holiday to celebrate all of the films. Instead of looking back, today’s Nerdist News is taking a ride into the latest rumors surrounding The Last Jedi. And let’s just say that things are gonna get a little weird.

There are potential spoilers ahead for The Last Jedi! It’s nothing too universe shattering, but considering that we’re only about seven months away from the next sequel, you may want to remain unspoiled. You’ve been warned!

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Finn (John Boyega) Photo: Film Frames Industrial Light & Magic/Lucasfilm ©2017 Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Join host and Jakku’s next top scavenger, Jessica Chobot, as she tells us about a wild Last Jedi chase featuring Finn and his new friend, Rose, as they attempt to escape from some bad guys on the casino world. This rumor originated at Making Star Wars; which noted that Finn and Rose are gonna need a little extra help getting away this time. So they’re taking a ride on a space horse. That’s right, Star Wars just went My Little Brony! According to the report, these horse-like creatures are called Falthiers, and they look like a cross between a tauntaun and the luck dragon from The Neverending Story.

The word is that these Falthiers are ridiculously big, and the villains in this sequence are even stranger. Are you ready for aliens wearing tuxedos using luxury speeders to chase down Finn and Rose? It sounds like one of the most anachronistic Star Wars references we’ve seen since Dex pulled up his pants at that ’50s diner on Coruscant in Attack of the Clones. But is it too weird for the franchise? Hell no! These films were built around all sorts of weird and bizarre ideas, from the cantina aliens, the space wizards, and even a holographic board game enjoyed by wookies and droids alike. If anything, the new trilogy should embrace the weirdness and deliver some visuals that we’ve never seen in a Star Wars movie before.

Star Wars The Last Jedi - 002

What do you think about the rumored Last Jedi chase? May the Fourth be with you in the comment section below!

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