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Larry David is the Hero Gotham Needs in This CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM Teaser

Larry David would make a pretty terrible Batman, but why would you expect anything else from him.

HBO tweeted out this Batman parody in anticipation for the new season of Curb Your Enthusiasm premiering October 1. In it, David is supposed to be the hero called to the very detailed Larry David signal in the sky but, in true Curb fashion, he wants nothing to do with it. It ends with an epic version of the show’s theme song reminiscent of Hans Zimmer’s Batman scores.

Silly as this may be, it’s got us thinking about how awful the bat signal system really is. It makes sense that Batman would see it if he were out and about fighting crime in Gotham. And we’re sure he’s seen it from Wayne manor and headed to the city despite the long commute. However, if it’s just him and Alfred and they’re not looking out to Gotham (or working in the Batcave), how many times has he inadvertently ghosted Commissioner Gordon? Plus, have you ever thought how about how rude Batman is leaving every interaction without saying goodbye? The Flash has. Batman needs to learn some manners and maybe go back to the blinking red phone from the Adam West days. Or else he’ll end up as tactless as Larry David. And what a mortal flaw that would be for the caped crusader.

Image: HBO

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