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Waltz Like The Goblin King with LABYRINTH Dance Classes

If you’ve ever dreamed of wearing a beautiful crystal ball gown and dancing with the Goblin King, you’re not alone. Labyrinth fans hold the iconic ballroom scene dear, a scene rich in navigating maturity in an adult world. Plus it featured peak David Bowie hair.

Memorable music, a surprisingly dark storyline, and Bowie’s killer dance moves are some of the reasons why Jim Henson’s 1986 fantasy classic Labyrinth has established a cult following over the years. The film still inspires fans to this day, and now according to LA Weekly, the Victorian Tea & Dance Society in Los Angeles is offering up a month’s worth of Labyrinth of Jareth Historical Dance Classes.

Bowie’s Goblin King hypnotizes Sarah in more ways than one. In these themed dance classes you’ll learn the rotary waltz—a dance that has been practiced for centuries— the same dance portrayed in the ethereal masquerade ball scene. No enchanted peach required, just registration and a small fee.

Whether or not you find your one true Goblin King as this fantasy dance camp remains to be seen. But anything is possible at an elaborate fantasy masquerade.

If these Labyrinth themed dance classes take off, does that mean other Jareth related dances will be available to learn? Hang on to your babies, the Magic Dance is probably not recommended for first-time dancers.

For more information on the Labyrinth of Jareth Historical Dance Classes, check out

Would you care for a stroll across the dance floor with the Goblin King? Let us know in the comments and show us your best Labyrinth cosplay on twitter @nerdist and @justjenn.

Image: TriStar Pictures
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