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Kylo Ren’s Tantrums Know No Bounds

Slight spoilers and such for those who haven’t seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens as of yet. Nothing plot related really, but something that lends itself to character, and anyway why haven’t you seen it yet? Go see it. Right now. This article will be here when you get back.

For those of us who have seen the latest in the Star Wars franchise, there’s something that may have struck a lot of people as odd in the film. We’re speaking of Kylo Ren’s tendency to be rather – let’s say – quick to anger. There are a few moments in the film where Kylo Ren just can’t control his temper. It’s a bit odd to see a Star Wars baddie lose his cool in such a manner and at times it’s even played for a laugh or two but it makes perfect sense. The Dark Side of the force is often associated with giving in to one’s emotions and using them to make you stronger, so it suits Kylo’s character – who is still learning – to be a bit off-kilter and lash out.

Film critique aside, the Sith temper tantrums have caused quite a bit of discussion and – thankfully – more than a few creations poking fun at them. The video above by YouTube’s Bill Bergen gives us a look at Kylo Ren’s everyday life and what he must go through with such a short fuse. The everyday annoyances we slog through are not to Ren’s liking and he – as he does in the movie – lets his light saber do the talking. One can hope the remainder of his training is at least some minor anger management techniques otherwise the property damage bills alone are sure to destroy the First Order before the Resistance can.

What’s your favorite part of the video? If you say anything other than Salacious Crumb cameo you are dead wrong but let us know in the comments below anyways.

Image: Bill Bergen

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