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KUNG FURY Kicked it 80s Style During San Diego Comic-Con

When I arrived at the panel for Kung Fury (you can read Scott Weinberg’s review, as well as watch the short film here), I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. What I ended up with was a very entertaining panel covering one of the biggest internet hits of 2015. For those of you that don’t know, Kung Fury is a short film by David Sandberg, and is a paradoy/amalgam of every 80s movie trope ever made, and it is 100% awesome. All of which they brought to San Diego Comic Con, and here’s a rundown of the panel.

Drew McWeeny from Hitfix served as moderator, joined by cast members Jorma Taccone (Hitler), Eleni Young (Barbarianna), Leopold Nilsson (Hacker Man), Andreas Cahling (Thor), and Kung Fury himself, writer/director/star David Sandberg. Also sitting on the panel was Seth Grahame-Smith, who will be producing the feature film iteration, which is a thing that is 100% happening. Even more awesome? The cast wore their full costumes (except for Jorma. I have a few theories as to why).

The panel primarily focused on the synthesis of the project and Sandberg’s drive to create it. The whole process started three years ago while Sandberg was directing music videos. Desiring instead to create something he could call his own, he quit and looked to his passions. He had been listening to a lot of 80s music, and started toying with the idea of making a funny film. He didn’t have a script yet, but he knew it had to involve dinosaurs, robots, and cops.

Perhaps the most refreshing aspect of the panel was Sandberg’s dual awareness and passion for the project itself. Throughout its entirety, Sandberg’s vision was clear …even if the many, many, many financiers he took it too all declined to help based on their lack of understanding of what he was trying to do. “I wanted to make a movie where the writer was really stupid, but thinks he made the coolest thing in the world.”

So he took the idea to Kickstarter, garnering 5 times the funding. Once the Kickstarter was successful, other financiers hopped on board (because of course). It was also through Kickstarter that Sandberg met Jorma, who came on to play the villain, Hitler. Yes, that Hitler.

So what did you think? Are you ready to watch this awesomeness again? Let me know on Twitter or in the comments below.

Image Credit: Derek Laufman/DeviantArt

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