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Kineticism is awesome.

Brett Dickins’ kinectic wall art will own your cuckoo clock.

via Engadget

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  1. Deltus says:

    It would be an interesting showpiece for the home, but the rest of the time when guests weren’t admiring it, you’d totally have it turned off.

  2. Pandoras.Lunchbox says:

    In my house, we obey the laws of thermo-dynamics!

  3. Brian says:

    Yes, they are awesome. Yes, that camera work makes me sick.

  4. Jesse says:

    Perfect song use FTW!

  5. Aoife says:

    The shaky camera is making me nauseous…

  6. Travocity says:

    Where can i buy one? they look so awesome and i probably couldn’t make anything that sophisticated.