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A Young STAR WARS Fan Uses Her BB-8 Toy to Pull Out a Loose Tooth

When it comes to growing up, there’s nothing like the rite of passage that is losing your baby teeth. Having a loose tooth is exciting and scary all at the same time. Some of them pop out so easily, while others hang in there for the long haul and need a little help. In the old days, a “proper” home remedy involved tying one end of a string to your loose tooth and the other end to a doorknob, and then slamming the door shut—this was a supposedly a surefire way to pop that sucker right out. Or you can relive my childhood nightmare and have your dad use a pair of old pliers to help you out, only to pull…the wrong loose tooth. (That really happened, and no, I have never forgotten it.)

When it comes to those stubborn choppers, it’s always best to have a buddy by your side in case that caliber of childhood trauma takes way—in the case of little Star Wars fan Sami, she decided to used her own astromech to help her through her dental dilemma.

Sami, who happens to cosplay as BB-SK8—a dressed up droid skater gal—knows that BB-8 is the most dependable droid in the galaxy when it comes to getting you through tough times. After tying dental floss to her loose tooth and the other end to her remote-controlled toy, she was all ready to face her fears. That is until the toy started moving on its own. You can hear her start to freak out, but luckily right when the droid took off, the tooth popped straight out. Thumbs up to a job well done, BB-8!

Which Star Wars droid would you depend on to pull your loose tooth? C-3PO would definitely spend too much time telling you the odds of gum disease. Let us know your choice in the comments or tell us your loose tooth story by tagging @nerdist and @justjenn on twitter!

Images: Lucasfilm

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