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Keegan-Michael Key Revives Obama’s Anger Translator on COLBERT

The world’s been lacking two specific things over the last few years that I sincerely wish were still around. Uninhibited sanity, and the comedy of Comedy Central’s Key & Peele. The combination of those two things came together perfectly in the sketches with Luther, President Obama’s Anger Translator. On a recent visit to The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Keegan-Michael Key brought Luther back to vent a little about the current administration.

As Colbert read a bit of Obama’s Facebook Post from June on the GOP’s healthcare proposal and a few other quotes, Luther awakened and had some choice words (anger translations?) for what’s been going on. Perhaps more animated than ever, Key used the entire stage to vent.

Regardless of political affiliation, the character Luther shined a light on politics in a very particular way. Cutting through political jargon, meaningless phrasing, and talking points in order to uncover a message underneath all of it. And sure, the primary joke to the sketch itself was to give emotion to the often stoic President Obama, but it morphed into more over time. Especially when Key was asked to have Luther translate for the real Obama himself.

Do you have a particular favorite Luther sketch? Do you miss Key & Peele as much as I do? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

Image: The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

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