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The JUSTICE LEAGUE Featurettes Give a Look at Aquaman, Flash, and Cyborg

DC and WB really, really didn’t want our TVs tuned to Agent Carter last night.

On their Dawn of the Justice League special on the CW, they dropped a new Suicide Squad trailer.

Then, they showed some actual finished footage from the Wonder Woman movie.

They could have done a victory lap right there. But no. We also got featurettes about Aquaman, the Flash, and Cyborg, including concept art for their future movie appearances, quotes from the actors themselves (that’d be Jason Momoa, Ezra Miller, and Ray Fisher), and some details as to what origin stories and powers they’ll have on the big screen.

Rather than pontificate any further, we’d suggest you just watch.

Pretty cool, right? While Momoa’s look as Aquaman is quite radically different from most Aquaman incarnations (save for the ’90s version, though Momoa’s Aquaman has traded in a hook hand in favor of ample tattoos), it sounds like the onscreen incarnations will hew pretty faithfully to DC continuity. Ezra Miller has the toughest job of directly competing with Grant Gustin’s likeable portrayal of the Flash on TV, but he’s a talented actor and should do something interesting with it. Fisher’s film career has mostly involved smaller dramas and independent ventures up until now—with the exception of a small appearance in Trainwreck—but that makes it more likely they cast the the right guy for the part rather than simply going with a big name.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m dying to see Zack Snyder do a grim and gritty take on the Wonder Twins. It will never happen, but if it did, I’d promptly take on the shape of a grinning idiot, form of a fanboy geekout.

Are you liking what you’re seeing thus far? Do you think DC can finally capture the movie magic Marvel has made a killing off of? Make like the Flash and rush to the comments section to let us know.

h/t: Indiewire

Images: the CW

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