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How Will JUSTICE LEAGUE’s Reception Shape the Future of the DCEU?

This week, the Justice League movie will finally hit theaters and give fans the ultimate team up of DC’s greatest heroes. To say that there’s a lot riding on this film would be an understatement. After some early stumbles (except for Wonder Woman) with the DC Extended Universe, Warner Bros. badly needs Justice League to knock one out of the park. Today’s Nerdist News is using our Mother Box to reveal how Justice League‘s reception may affect the previously announced DCEU films.

Join guest host and third alternate Space Ghost, Hector Navarro, as he runs down the early word on Justice League‘s critical reception. The review embargo is still currently in place, and the reactions have been fairly positive, but not glowing. It’s probably not a great sign that Rotten Tomatoes is actually withholding Justice League‘s score until opening day.

However, the consensus among those who have seen Justice League is that all of the heroes come off well, and the direction of the franchise is in good shape. There may be signs of the reshoots and troubled production within the film itself, but it’s arguably as good as it could be under the circumstances. No one is seriously questioning whether Justice League will have a big opening weekend. Whether it will have staying power at the theaters remains to be seen.

So far, only Wonder Woman 2 seems secure no matter what happens here. In fact, that release was just moved to November 2019, to get it away from Star Wars Episode IX. Aquaman‘s solo flick is already done filming, but everything else is still up in the air. Man of Steel 2 is years away at the earliest, and Ben Affleck is once again hinting that he’s looking to leave the DCEU. What that means for The Batman is anyone’s guess.

The fate of the Flashpoint movie is also in the hands of this film, as WB reportedly won’t go forward with it unless the film is a success. The good news is that Ezra Miller‘s Flash is said to be one of the best parts of Justice League, which may give the scarlet speedster some better odds when it comes to holding down his own movie. And in the very unlikely scenario that Justice League can’t hold its target audience, then it just means that DC and Warner Bros. will focus on solo hero films for the next few years.

What do you think about the potential future of the DCEU? Let’s discuss in the comment section below!

Images: Warner Bros. Pictures

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