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JUSTICE LEAGUE Movie Theater Merch Features Previously Unseen Images of the Team

So far, 2017 has been an epic year for comic book superhero movies. Sure, some snobby writer out there is no doubt going to put out some op-ed about “superhero fatigue” before the end of the year, but considering that the five big superhero films released so far this year–Logan, LEGO Batman, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Wonder Woman and now Spider-Man: Homecoming – have been both critical and commercial hits, it’s going to be hard to argue that superheroes are the problem with Hollywood.

Of course, we still have two superhero films left for the year that could be the deciding factor in “2017: Best Comic Book Movie Year Ever”–Thor: Ragnarok, which is almost certain to be awesome if those trailers are any indication, and the true wild card–Justice League. Can DC’s big team-up movie actually deliver, and make 2017 the greatest year for superhero movies yet? No pressure, Zack Snyder and Joss Whedon.

Although we’ve only had the one official trailer for the film, now that Wonder Woman is a certified smash, expect Warner Brothers to start making sure that the follow up film is more in line with Princess Diana’s movie and less like Batman v Superman. And with a bigger push from the studio, with a move like this, it always means one thing: More Merch.

In what is sure to be the calm before the storm, a huge amount of movie theater merchandise images showcasing the main characters from Justice League  have turned up online at (via Comic Book Movie), and although lower quality versions of some of these have been seen before, among these items there are also several new images of the Leaguers to be found. You have an assortment of cups, tumblers, cup-toppers, popcorn crashboxes, tin tubs, dog-tag keychains, and a whole lot more.

So what’s the takeaway from all this stuff? Well, for starters, unlike early trailers and posters for the film, it seems WB marketing wised up and started placing Superman in the merchandise. This is smart, because we all know he’s in the movie, and hiding him is stupid. The DC Trinity is the core of the JL, and not selling that fact would have been a very unwise move. Also of note: No images of the villain or villains at all. We know Steppenwolf is the bad guy, so why not feature him on theater merchandise? (We’ve already caught glimpses in a toy or two elsewhere.)

Also of note is the pleasant surprise that on a lot of this merch, Wonder Woman is front and center, almost seeming like the leader of the team in some images rather than always Batman as the default (there are a few items where Bats is at the forefront). Good to see that WB is realizing the powerhouse potential that is Wonder Woman.

You can check out an assortment of the Justice League merch in our gallery below.

What do you make of the JL images you’ve seen so far? Does it have you more or less excited for the final film? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Images: Warner Brothers

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