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JURASSIC WORLD Exhibit Invites You to Hang Out with Animatronic Dinos

Don’t be upset when the loony, white-haired gent breaks into your trailer and steals the champagne you’ve been saving. You’ve been saving it for today: the announcement that the world is getting a Jurassic World-inspired museum exhibit.

According to Entertainment Weekly, Jurassic World: The Exhibition will open in The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, running from November though April 2017. The display will simulate a visit to Isla Nublar for attendees, complete with an expositional boat ride that dumps you out at the main gate of Jurassic World while a familiar score rings out overhead. Once inside, you’ll be able to get close enough to actual animatronic dinos—designed by the Creature Technology Center and the film’s paleontologist consultant Jack Horner—to get sneezed on.

And, yes, you’re remembering correctly: Horner is the guy trying to turn a chicken into a dinosaur. So now we have to figure out whether it’s scarier to use amber-encased DNA to bring Gallimimus back to life, to build dinosaurs from your KFC bucket, or to build a robotic T-rex, who might go all Skynet on us.

When the exhibit premiered in Melbourne (see the above video), it proved itself to be a blend of dino-fact and fantasy. Part educational tour featuring real fossils and part emissary for the movie franchise’s brand, it seems like a walkable theme park ride where you’ll learn about the dinosaurs that roamed the Earth while having to remember which ones were invented by screenwriters. It’s science, sponsored by Universal Studios.

Tickets for Jurassic World: The Exhibition go on sale September 10. No word yet on whether they encourage attendees to wear high heels.

We got Chris Pratt to play a dinosaur-themed “F–, Marry, Kill”:

Featured Image: Universal Pictures

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