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Talkin' Toons

JURASSIC PARK Meets BEN 10 in This Crossover

If you could harness an incredible power, like mastery over genetic engineering or the ability to transform into different aliens, how would you use it? Would you protect the world, or open a prehistoric amusement park? Honestly, both sound good to us, but not as good as it sounded when we had members of the Ben 10 universe recreate a classic scene from Jurassic Park.

In this clip from the latest episode of our Alpha series Talkin’ Toons, host Rob Paulsen welcomed two of his fellow Ben 10 alums (and our favorite voice acting couple), Tara Platt and Yuri Lowenthal, to the show. The three read the iconic Jurassic Park scene when Dr. Ian Malcolm (played by Yuri) told John Hammond (Tara) and his lawyer (Rob) that they were so busy wondering if they could open a park full of dinosaurs that they never stopped to think if they should!

John Hammond might not have put enough thought into whether playing god was a good idea, but we’re glad we thought to have these three recreate this scene.

To check out the rest of Rob’s interview with Tara and Yuri, you’ll have to go to our online Alpha community, the only place to find full episodes of Talkin’ Toons. We have lots of other great shows there, and your first 30 days are free when you join. But don’t worry, our lawyer was okay with that price.

Which member of the Ben 10 universe would you most want to go on a tour of Jurassic Park with? Tell us why in the comments below.

Featured Image: Cartoon Network/Universal

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