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Joss Whedon Apologizes to Seoul for THE AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON

Any time a movie or television show needs to film on location, chances are it’s going to inconvenience someone. Productions can shut down an area as small as a storefront or a space as big as several city streets. The Avengers: Age of Ultron is headed towards closures on a bigger scale as it begins filming in Seoul, South Korea on March 30th. Director Joss Whedon carved some time out of his surely busy schedule to tape an apology to the people of Seoul for any disruptions they may cause:

Given that Seoul is one of the most heavily populated cities in the world, filming is sure to cause hiccups. It happens in cities like Los Angeles and New York all the time, but possibly not on this level in Seoul. Though the video isn’t necessary, I think it’s a classy move of Whedon to say he’s sorry and to empathize, “We love this movie. We love your city. And having the two of them together will the show the city to the world in a light that I don’t think it’s been shown.”

HT: Kotaku

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  1. Seattle_popcorn says:

    Ditto. Stand-up guy.

  2. Adventureless_Hero says:

    What a classy guy! As if I didn’t have enough reason to dig Joss Whedon. ^w^