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Josie Charlwood: Looptacular!

What do Jamie Lidell, Andrew Bird and Owen Pallet all have in common? They’re all dudes! And they all like to use those famous looping machines, or, loopers (my name for them). Here to break the boys club is Josie Charlwood, a lovely musician who also has a knack for making lots of different noises at once without making you want to chop your face off. Now, I’m not saying she’s the only double-x chromosome succeeding in one-woman-bandery, but she’s certainly caught our attention with this smashing Gorillaz cover.

If you know of any other looptastic females, please, let us know!

And thank you, friend Abel, for sending me this while you should be working.

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  1. Susie says:

    Amazing! Good find.

  2. Colin says:

    Janel Leppin is another cellist who works with looping devices. Not as extensively as some of these others, but it’s a tool in her belt.

    Zoe Keating has been on Radiolab a few times and it’s always very intriguing.

  3. treeman says:

    Could you please not blatantly repost things from reddit?

  4. Jay says:

    The two Beautiful, with a capital B, women in Garfunkel and Oats are both amazing performers in lyrics, musical quality and delivery. Ms. Charlwood is an amazing performer, and a Ginger rocker to boot. Out Standing. Well done Ms. Keep our internets full of fantastic loop and original tracks.

  5. Lucy says:

    This is a perfect example of why I love The Nerdist. I never would have found this on my own and it was totally awesome! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Jeremy says:

    Holy shit, that was a bad ass cover. Gonna check out more of her stuff (and everybody recommended here).

  7. Matthew Grosinger says:

    I <3 Girls

  8. todd says:

    She was awesome, dare I say she should change her name to Josie and the looptycats

  9. the only thing i said after this video was “woah” XD

  10. Kevin* says:

    This is awesome. I subscribed. Red headed multi-instrumentalists are the best.

  11. Caroline S says:

    Molly Lewis is pretty fun (and she plays the uke!):

  12. Trenton says:

    I don’t have any recommendations. I just wanted to say how awesome this chick is.

    This chick is awesome.

  13. Mike says:

    If you are looking for a purely lap steel driven loop then this song by Kaki King will put you in a trance.

  14. Jesus says:

    Don’t forget Leslie Fiest
    go to 2:19

  15. Kevin says:

    Theresa Andersson is pretty amazing. I first heard her on Conan’s show (I don’t remember which incarnation):

  16. T says:

    Oh, there’s also tUnE-yArDs/Merrill Garbus, who, despite the stupid alternating cases of her name’s letters, is quite talented.

  17. Zach says:

    This is kind of along the same lines. The Tune-Yards.

  18. John Anealio says:

    I believe that cellist Zoe Keating has been doing live looping for quite a while as well.

  19. Lauren says:

    Merril Garbus (Tune-yards) is an extremely Rad Loop Goddess. –

  20. T says:

    Zoe Keating. Awesome cellist who loops herself:

    Not only is she an incredible musician, but listen to her talk about her technique all mathy-like and technically; there’s a wonderful nerd element there:

    I finally got to see her live a few months ago. It was great.

  21. Joshi says:

    K T Tunstall has been using those things for a good long while now.

  22. Terrance says:

    Excellent! I also highly recommend Julianna Barwick who loops her own vocals to make beautiful soundscapes. She has two EPs and an album that came out earlier this year on Asthmatic Kitty Records. Her EP, Florine, is one of the most beautiful collections of music I’ve ever heard.