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Kit Harington Might’ve Spoiled GAME OF THRONES Character’s Fate

Spoilers ahead for Game of Thrones, kids! You have been warned.

Well, well, well Jon Snow, it does appear you know something—but apparently that does not include awareness that we have our own watchers on the wall, listening everywhere you go. Actor Kit Harington might have just confirmed what many of us already believe: that his character Jon Snow may have died at the end of season 5/book 5, but that does not mean his story has ended.

A Reddit user translated an interview Harington gave to the Dutch-language, Belgian magazine HUMO. Harrington tried to avoid giving any solid answers when it came to Game of Thrones and whether he is done with the show, but then it appears he slipped when talking about how demanding the show can be.

[…] I often felt frustrated as well. I had to pass on amazing parts because I was attached to Game of Thrones. So the show is like a double-egded sword to me: I owe a lot to it, but at the same time it has almost completely drained me. Oh well, I try not to think about it too much. The important thing is that I now know exactly how long I am still under contract, and in the meantime –

Interviewer: How many more seasons would that be?

Nice try (laughs). I can’t talk about that. Let’s just say that Game of Thrones will remain a part of my life for a while, I’ll probably be in my thirties when it’s over. One thing’s for sure: the day I’m no longer on Thrones is the day I’ll bury myself in movie projects (laughs).

Kit Harington is 28. Game of Thrones is expected to go at least seven seasons, if not eight or more. I’m no math whiz, but that certainly sounds like he’ll be sticking around for most, if not all, of the show’s run.

Considering the well-supported theories about his character, including that Jon is really the child of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark (a product of ice and fire), or that he will be Azor Ahai reborn, his return in some capacity feels more like confirmation and less of a spoiler. HBO has tried to deny that Harington is returning in any capacity, insisting he is dead (as though death is a barrier in The Realm), but he’s been spotted in Ireland near where they film the show, and now we have this straight from the not-dead bastard’s mouth.

It was always going to be difficult to keep any reports of Kit Harington returning to the show completely under wraps. It’s not as though HBO can only film him in private studios away from any coverage. Their international shoots in grand locations means lots of traveling, and as arguably the most popular show in the world, people are going to notice when Jon Snow walks by them at the airport or a hotel.

Of course the next question is: how will George R.R. Martin bring him back? Have we been so foolish to assume that a returned-to-life Jon Snow is a good thing? Jon Snow could lead an army of the dead just as easily as the living. Besides, Martin loves to play against expectations and tropes—usually in a way that leaves us emotionally devastated. Well, wouldn’t a White Walker Jon Snow destroy us even more than a dead one? So maybe Kit Harington did let the big “secret” out of the bag here, but that doesn’t mean we know anything. And is anything more fitting when we’re talking about Jon Snow?

So what do you make of this information? What’s your best guess for the future of the late Lord Commander? Share them in the comments because the speculation and theories are a big part of what makes this story fun.

HT: Reddit
Image: HBO

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