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Jon Favreau Signs on to Direct Live-Action THE LION KING

What do you get when you helm a critically-acclaimed, live-action, worldwide mega blockbuster based on a beloved children’s movie? You get to do it all over again, that’s what, which is why it should be no surprise that Disney has once again tapped Jon Favreau to lead a new take on one of its most iconic animated films. This time The Jungle Book director will be leading a live action version of The Lion King.

We first learned about this at Deadline,  after Favreau very casually announced on Twitter, and reports say that Walt Disney Studios plans on fast-tracking the movie into production, though no timetable is known at this time.

Live-action versions of animated films have become a big part of Disney’s cinematic endeavors, with Maleficent, Cinderella, and The Jungle Book soon to be joined by the upcoming live Beauty and the Beast, and possibly a future sequel to The Jungle Book, which Favreau is reportedly in talks to direct as well. The first did gross over 960 million worldwide, and was acclaimed by critics and moviegoers alike, so this continued partnership seems like a no-brainer.

Like Beauty and the Beast and The Jungle Book, which used songs from the original films, this new Lion King is expected to use music from the original too, which we wholeheartedly endorse since it has one of the best soundtracks of all-time.

Considering The Lion King has already been adapted for the theater and has proven to be a huge success, this live-action movie has the chance to be the most successful take yet.

But what do you think? Are you excited about this? What do you think of Favreau directing it? Let’s get some live-action in our comments section by talking about it.

Images: Disney

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