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Day of the Doctor Pre-Show and Post-Show Videos

You watched the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special, but did you catch the BBC America/Nerdist pre-show and post-show hosted by our pal Veronica Belmont, streamed live from L.A.’s YouTube space? If you missed ’em, we have them right here for you, right now.

The pre-show, with Phil DeFranco, Grant Imahara, and Noelene Clark:

The post-show wrap-up, with the same folks:

Even if you saw the shows when they initially streamed, it’s a fun way to relive the 50th….

The Ancient Origin of MONTY PYTHON's Foot

The Ancient Origin of MONTY PYTHON's Foot

The K Ohle with Kurt…

The K Ohle with Kurt… : Get Lost with Dan St.…

What is Wrong with MAD MAX’s War Boys?

What is Wrong with MAD MAX’s War Boys?



  1. Jimo says:

    You should check out the comments on facebook about these pre and post shows. Overwhelmingly negative, but many if them funny too. I personally thought a ventriloquist with a canister vacuum dressed up as K9 would have done a better job.

  2. Christina Kilby says:

    I was at the pre-pre show and the pre-show. Was is only live streamed or will there be a place we can see a recording of it?

  3. Three Toes of Fury says:




    Peace .n,. Time and Relative Dimension in Space

    3ToF…future companion

  4. KellyBWalling says:

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  5. Fenrir says:

    OMG it’s 6:10 in the morning. Been up all night. Scared of weeping angels. jeronimo. Allons-y. Ahhhhh so exited

  6. Keith Evans says:

    Looks like I will be going…AWESOME!!! CANT WAIT!!!

  7. Kali Cordes says:

    If the event page only shows an access code required box, does that mean that the event is closed?

  8. Tanya says:

    i don’t have cable any longer, but i bought tickets to see it at the theater on monday in 3-D! I’m hoping i don’t see or read too many spoilers before then. i’ve never really seen a 3-D movie before either, so doubly-fun!

  9. Richard says:

    For those of us lucky enough to be in the UK (suck it america!) Will i be able to A) watch this and B) will it be able to be watched whenever i want and not just live? Answers on an ecard people!

  10. I hope I win. I think I might have given the wrong answer. If so, then I will just watch it with some other Whovians.

  11. Ashli says:

    I would love to be there – but I don’t live in LA – I don’t even live in a city that will have it on the big screen. (Curse you Memphis!) But I will be in front of the telly with my TARDIS cookies and Rose cosplay!

  12. Keith Evans says:

    I can’t wait to see it. Too bad I work that day, so I have to DVR it. IT’S GOING TO BE EPIC!!!