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John Williams Says He’s Done with STAR WARS After Episode IX

For over 40 years, John Williams‘ iconic music has been synonymous with the Star Wars films. Williams has scored all of the eight films in the Skywalker saga, and he’ll be back to finish that musical journey in Star Wars: Episode IX. While the franchise will go on after that film, Williams recently indicated that he’s ready to leave Star Wars behind.

Via Heroic Hollywood, Williams was interviewed by Classical KUSC, and he addressed his long association with Star Wars before dropping an overt hint about his plans. “We know J.J. Abrams is preparing one now that I will hopefully do next year for him,” said Williams. “I look forward it. It will round out a series of nine, that will be quite enough for me.”

We can’t say that we won’t be sad when Williams finally retires from Star Wars. His legacy has been assured, and his most recent score for The Last Jedi is up for an Oscar this weekend. That will be his sixth Academy Award, if he wins it.

As Luke said in the last film, “no one is ever really gone.” Williams is actually contributing the opening theme for Solo: A Star Wars Story, the spinoff prequel film that will open in just over two months. Additionally, Williams’ legendary opening theme will probably still be used as frequently as possible, and we’d never bet against Disney making Star Wars Episode X somewhere down the line. Whatever happens, Williams’ music will live on in a galaxy far, far away.

How do you feel about Williams’ potential Star Wars exit? Let us know in the comment section below!

Images: Lucasfilm

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