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JOHN WICK Is Somehow Better With Michael Jackson Noises

The 2014 action-packed thriller John Wick seemed to come out of nowhere and surprise audiences as one of the best films Keanu Reeves has ever done. The gritty and ultra-violent action sequences on display in the film gave us something new; when most action films rely on impossible situations, it was refreshing to see fights that looked believable and had consequence. As far as we were concerned, John Wick was a perfect action film and couldn’t possibly be improved upon. That was, of course, until we saw it mashed up with the vocalizations of Michael Jackson.

Brought to our attention by a recent post on Polygon, YouTuber Dean Wyatt took a fight scene from John Wick and dubbed over every grunt, groan and death noise with the iconic vocalizations of the King of Pop. Some may recognize this type of video as akin to ones that re-cut Smash Mouth in a number of ways or ones that mess with different aspects of Bee Movie (for some reason) and are what The Verge refers to as a “technical meme”. In our opinion, mashing up Michael Jackson’s “hee-hees” and “shamones” with any action sequence would make it hilarious but doing so to John Wick is an extra kind of special because we know how brutal the events in the movie actually are.

Wyatt may have started something huge in the realm of memes and we sincerely hope this particular kind of mash-up becomes as wide-spread as the Smash Mouth ones.  And although we didn’t need another reason to look forward to John Wick’s sequel coming to theaters on February 10th, we’re hoping the action sequences in it will supply Wyatt with more material for this particular type of mash-up.

What are your thoughts on John Wick: King of Pop? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

Image: Lionsgate

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