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Joanna Newsom Taught Larry King to Play the Harp

As Larry King himself often claims, he is old enough to know Julius Caesar, to have seen how dinosaurs really walked, and to have witness the actual Big Bang. So you’d think he’d have done everything there is to do by now, but apparently there are still firsts to be had for King. He recently experienced one: King just learned how to play the harp, receiving a lesson from indie music’s most predominant harpist, Joanna Newsom.

We use the term “learned” very loosely: In a short Instagram clip posted by King (watch it below), he pretty much just strums the strings from front to back. He may not be able to knock a harp cover of “Stairway to Heaven” out of the park like this girl did, but he could at least do foley for a cartoon where a love interest enters the room. Newsom is also a super encouraging teacher, allowing King to enjoy his basic but beautiful playing.

The video is a preview of the December 14 episode of Larry King Now, King’s online talk show that airs on Hulu, on which Newsom will be a guest.

While we’re here, let’s give a birthday shout-out to King, who turns 82 today! He’s been around for a long time, sure, but really, he’s not that old, at least in relation to other celebrities who are still kicking it. Here’s a short list of celebrities who (surprisingly) are older than he is: William Shatner (84), Gene Hackman (85), Clint Eastwood (85), Sean Connery (85), Barbara Walters (86), Adam West (87), Dick Van Dyke (89), Hugh Hefner (89), Queen Elizabeth II (89), David Attenborough (89), Mel Brooks (89), Tony Bennett (89), James Lipton (89), Bob Barker (91), Stan Lee (92, and we had the thrill of speaking with him recently), and Betty White (93).

What we’re saying is you have plenty of life left in you, King, and we hope you spend it perfecting your harp skills.


HT: Pitchfork

Featured image courtesy of Larry King Now

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