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Jimmy Smits Confirms His STAR WARS Character’s Return in ROGUE ONE

Jimmy Smits Confirms His STAR WARS Character’s Return in ROGUE ONE

Last month, fans all over the world dissected the Rogue One: A Star Wars Story sizzle reel from Star Wars Celebration Europe for additional details and they seemed to uncover a previously unannounced appearance by Jimmy Smits as Bail Organa, the role he played in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. Now, Smits has confirmed that Bail is back at least one more time!

While appearing as a guest on The Talk, Smits seemed bemused by the level of scrutiny that the sizzle reel had received, before admitting that he did make a cameo appearance in Rogue One. However, Smits characterized it as a “small part” in the film, which may mean that he’ll only be around for a scene or two.

It’s been just over a decade since Smits last played Princess Leia‘s adopted father in live-action. Bail Organa has been established as one of the early leaders of the Rebel Alliance and he has even appeared in Star Wars Rebels in that capacity. However, the time frame for Rogue One suggests that it will take place near the end of his life. Bail Organa was on Alderaan when it was destroyed by the Death Star in A New Hope. We’re pretty sure that Rogue One won’t end with Bail getting atomized with the rest of his planet, because that would be one hell of a downer!

That said, Bail’s return could set up an appearance by Princess Leia herself. We know from the first Star Wars movie that Leia and the crew of the Rebel blockade runner intercepted the stolen Death Star plans and they were on the run from the Empire when the story began. That seems like a natural place for Rogue One to end, even though it doesn’t guarantee the survival of Felicity Jones‘ Jyn Erso and the rest of her allies.

Rogue One will be released on December 16.

Are you excited to see Smits return to the Star Wars universe? Let us know in the comment section below!

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